Sabrina Mata

Sabrina Mata’s many facets include Primal Core Yoga instructor, FAST Defense instructor, Sexual Health Educator, Wild Dance facilitator, body worker, wild fermentation enthusiast, and Leader of initiations and rites of passage for women and young girls.
Her travels and explorations have led her to study traditional healing practices with shamans in the jungles of Laos, Thai massage in Chiang Mai Thailand, Lomi Lomi at Auntie Margaret Machado’s school, and Hawaiian plant medicine with Kumu Jeanella K. Keopuiwa on the Big Island of Hawai’i. She has been initiated into the Sri Vidya lineage of Tantra Yoga by her teacher Psalm Isadora.

“The core of my work with women is to facilitate the fulfillment of their deepest desires; to help them have more love and pleasure in their lives; to help them become a more integrated & radiant human being. I believe this integration happens by expanding ones ability to be with what is: shadow and light, pain and pleasure, death and sex, masculine and feminine, the polarity of life. I believe we need to face & embrace the darker realms of our being, which for the past 5,000 years have been associated with the feminine aspects in both men and women.
In my experience, it is through descending into total darkness and stretching into it, that we awaken into the light, fully embodied and awake. It is our right and within our power as women to create a vibrant body, an abundant life, deeply fulfilling relationships, and the manifestation of our dreams and purpose .”